PRIMA – FAO Workshop: Agenda – “Current and Future Scenarios in the Water and Agro-Food sector: the Mediterranean Perspective”

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PRIMA, fortemente sostenuta dal MIUR, riflette sulle sfide globali dell’agroalimentare nell’area del Mediterraneo, grazie alla collaborazione tecnica di FAO organizza il workshop “Current and Future Scenarios in the Water and Agro-Food sector: the Mediterranean”. L’evento si svolge a Roma il 20 novembre … Continua

Register as an expert

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The PRIMA Secretariat is pleased to inform you that the PRIMA website now features a new “Register as an expert” section, where prospective independent expert evaluators can register and create a personal profile. This tool will help the PRIMA Secretariat … Continua

PRIMA Celebrative event

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Celebrative event at European Commission for the kind consideration off of the PRIMA initiative with MEP Sofia Sakorafa, Commissioner Moedas, RTD staff involved, Permanent Representatives in the EU Council and ambassadors of PRIMA PS in Bruxelles  

Lebanon’s participation in PRIMA

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Congratulations to Lebanon for the signature of the International Agreement setting the terms on Lebanon’s participation in PRIMA signed on 27th February 2018. According to Art. 1 (2) of the PRIMA Decision EU 2017/1324, Lebanon is now to be considered … Continua

the Deputy-Director of the PRIMA Foundation

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Congratulations to Omar Amawi, the Deputy-Director of the PRIMA Foundation. Family photo of the PRIMA Foundation Management team with Co-chairs Profs. Angelo Riccaboni and Mohamed El Shinawi; Director Octavi Quintana Trias and Deputy Director Omar Amawi.