The overall objective of the 4PRIMA Coordination and Support Action (CSA) is to create the bases and support for long-term, well structured and integrated partnership for research and innovation on food systems and water resources, between countries of both shores of the Mediterranean basin.

4PRIMA aims at achieving this main objective through the following specific objectives:

  1. Contributing to alignment research and innovation programs on food systems and water use in the Euro-Mediterranean Area;
  2. Ensuring awareness raising and stakeholder involvement;
  3. Ensuring an appropriate development and uptake of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on the food and water themes in the Euro-Med Area;
  4. Unlocking innovation on water management and food security of the Mediterranean private and public actors;
  5. Ensuring sustainable support to PRIMA Initiative by adequate structure and robust implementation plan


The overall objective of the 4PRIMA Coordination and Support Action (CSA) is to create the bases and support for long-term, well-structured and integrated partnership for research and innovation on food systems and water resources, between countries of both shores of the Mediterranean basin.

Rapid demographic, socio-economic, and climate changes are threatening the sustainable development of the Mediterranean region, where agriculture has to cope with increased demand for food production in a scenario of water scarcity and increasing competition for water use between different sectors. Therefore, policy makers and businesses are required to rapidly respond to the demand for innovation. In addition, the capacity of Mediterranean societies to adapt and effectively react to these changes depends on the overall response of integration that the Euro-Mediterranean region is able to implement.

The objectives of the 4PRIMA CSA stem from the joint effort of several EU Member States and Mediterranean Partner Countries which took part in the preparation of the PRIMA Initiative (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area), which started in 2013.

  1. MIUR, Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (Italy) – COORDINATOR
  2. RPF, Research Promotion Foundation (Cyprus)
  3. MHESR, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, (Egypt)
  4. ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, (France)
  5. DLR, Agency at the German Aerospace Centre, (Germany)
  6. CERTH, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, (Greece)
  7. CIHEAM, Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditérranennes         (International)
  8. EMUNI, Euro-Mediterranean University, (International)
  9. SEMIDE, Unité Technique du SEMIDE/ Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector, (International)
  10. UNISI, Università degli Studi di Siena, (Italy)
  11. HCST, Higher Council for Science & Technology, (Jordan)
  12. CNRS, National Council for Scientific Research , (Lebanon)
  13. MCST, Malta Council for Science and Technology, Ministry for Education and Employment, (Malta)
  14. MHESRET, Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training (Morocco)
  15. FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology, (Portugal)
  16. UEFISCDI, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, (Romania)
  17. MINECO, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, (Spain)
  18. TUBITAK, Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu, (Turkey)
  19. MESRST, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, (Tunisia)

Since the launch of Barcelona process (1995), several initiatives have been put in place to reinforce Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on R&I in the view of creating an area of prosperity and stability. However, these initiatives have only partially addressed the problems and needs of the Euro-Mediterranean region, often duplicating efforts and failing to provide a meaningful and lasting impact The ambitious 4PRIMA work plan is built on the knowledge, relationship and results of previous and ongoing national and international research programme studies/analysis (carried out for example in MedSpring, ERANETMED, as well as by taking into consideration sustainability priorities set by United Nations Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs).

4PRIMA activities are based on an extensive mapping of RDI funding institutions, investments programmes and instruments that have been established in the target area and sectors, thus delivering an updated inventory of national, European and international programmes that will represent the cornerstone for a robust operation of contribution to policy making aimed at ensuring an alignment of the available research programs.










The 4PRIMA CSA Kick-off meeting will be held on 19 and 20 May 2016 at Ministry of Education, University and Research, Viale Trastevere 76/a, Rome.

Download the Info Logistic:  Info logistic

Download the Agenda: AGENDA_4PRIMA kickoff

Download the leaflet: 4PRIMA_leaflet

Download the presentations:

From 01.02.2016 to 24.04.2016
Everybody is invited to participate to the Public Consultation on PRIMA – Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, in the field of: “Food systems and water resources for sustainable Mediterranean Societies”

Consult a brief presentation of PRIMA and Public Consultation in English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Italian.

The Public Consultation is closed. 

The contributions will be analysed by the European Commission. A short summary report on the consultation including a complete analysis of the replies will be published here by 20 May 2016.